Terms for photography to be shared with Home Owners


Mountain Home Photo/Home Owner Photography Agreement

Our client has commissioned photography of your home and has requested that Mountain Home Photo (MHP) share the photography with you (Home Owner). We are happy to permit and arrange for this, however there are a few rules.

• As a courtesy, photography is being shared with you for your personal enjoyment. This does not grant ownership or copyright of the photography to you. MHP retains ownership and copyright of all photography in perpetuity.

• Photography may not be used for commercial purposes, including using the photography to promote the property for rent or sale independent of the client that commissioned MHP for the photography project, without the expressed written consent of MHP.

• Photography may not be given or sold to any third party for their commercial use (i.e. realtors, property rental companies, architects, builders, interior designers, etc).

• If an additional party wishes to use the photography (i.e. realtors, property rental companies, architects, builders, interior designers, etc) please have them contact Mountain Home Photo (MHP) to arrange for proper licensing of the photography. This can be arranged by contacting MHP at info@mountainhomephoto.com or calling 970-379-1885.

• If photography is released by the Home Owner to any third party for commercial use, the home Owner will be liable for a licensing fee equal to the cost of the original shoot plus 50%.

• Though MHP keeps a digital archive of photography, MHP cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged digital files.

• Once photography has been delivered to the Home Owner it is the responsibility of the Home Owner to store or archive them in a retrievable manner. MHP may charge a $45 fee to re-deliver digital files.

• After this form is completed, MHP will be in contact with you to deliver photography at the below email address.

• This form serves as a binding contract


Completing the Form below implies agreement to the above statements, and serves as A contract